

Saturday, June 29, 2013

My First ever Layout

A Quick layout

Hi  FriendsThis is the first ever layout attempted by me and luckily this came together pretty fast. Used some doilies, butterfly and other die-cuts from Kukies basket on top of green corrugated sheet. The yellow and cream flower is made from Twine, lace flowers cut from a piece of  lace, the big pink flower is made from a die-cut set from kukies basket and embellished with pink pearls. 

The orange on black flowers are wooden stamps stamped with colored Gesso (tutorial here) and fussy cut + round mirrors added in centre. Do not miss the faux stitching on the frame. My quilled cat from this post found a permanent place next to my son. BTW, meet my younger son Ritvic........this pic is few years old, picked this as this went with the LO colors and the frame. 


  1. first ever layout?!!! How fun!!!!! It's fabulous! Thanks so much for playing with us at Let's Get Trendy Now! 3

  2. Wowwwwww! This is AWESOME!!! Thanks for playing along with Let's Get Trendy 3!!!!

  3. So sweet! Love the photo and the faux stitching. And the fun colours here. Nicely done!

    Thanks for joining us at Let's Get Trendy Now!3.

  4. This is so beautiful and colorful! Like a combination of techniques.


Thank you so much for stopping by and have a beautiful day!!!