

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Watercolors and some doodling

Dear friends

some doodling and watercolors again. This time I have used the camlin paint pen in black to create the design and used watercolors to color in. I liked the Indian motifs and the earthy tones....,love the little bit of whites here and there, so resemble the lovely block printing on Indian textiles !!

Paint pen and watercolors on paper, 8"x10", 2014
Please do leave your comments. I would love to read what you say and I would love to visit your blog too !!


  1. I love the design! Beautiful and intricate!

  2. Suman, I like your experiments with different paints and drawing and I find the very inspiring. I recently started to play around with watercolors, too and after spending days watching tutorials on youtube, I finally summoned the courage to pick up a brush and ruin some papers. :D Practice, practice!


    1. You are a perfectionist Manu and I am sure your discarded work will also be better than this !! I am really happy getting messy and just playing like a kid, so thankful for your love and support :)
      Hugs ......


Thank you so much for stopping by and have a beautiful day!!!